I quit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I did it!!!!!!!.....Well I have managed not to drink those doggone, dad blasted diet cokes and diet dr peppers .... 16 days and counting.
One of the biggest problems with my weight loss stall was I started drinking sodas again. After a year or so out I started drinking sodas, I could go off for a few days and I would start back...Honestly at almost 600lbs I lived off sodas and chocolate I hardly ate.
I knew sodas were my weakest link to success but addiction is addiction and it was my crack. I have not had one in 16 days and it is my intention not to have any...Now I am carefully trying not to pick up another bad habit in its place so I have increase the water, I do have Ice tea (careful with that) and some sugar free beverages Crystal light.....Once I am comfortable with no soda to the point I know I am not going to touch them I am going to wean myself from the other drinks. at least for a while. I hold a lot of fluid......I am trying to get to straigh****er.
I believe this is my first step in a very good direction without all the distractions. Addiction is a you know what!
One of the biggest problems with my weight loss stall was I started drinking sodas again. After a year or so out I started drinking sodas, I could go off for a few days and I would start back...Honestly at almost 600lbs I lived off sodas and chocolate I hardly ate.
I knew sodas were my weakest link to success but addiction is addiction and it was my crack. I have not had one in 16 days and it is my intention not to have any...Now I am carefully trying not to pick up another bad habit in its place so I have increase the water, I do have Ice tea (careful with that) and some sugar free beverages Crystal light.....Once I am comfortable with no soda to the point I know I am not going to touch them I am going to wean myself from the other drinks. at least for a while. I hold a lot of fluid......I am trying to get to straigh****er.
I believe this is my first step in a very good direction without all the distractions. Addiction is a you know what!
this is so jacked up!!! I was sippin on a coke zero reading this...........
Good for you, Di!!! I been off my dranks and pills myself - we all gotta kick our demons our own way and in our own time.....
Keep it up sista!!!!

Good for you, Di!!! I been off my dranks and pills myself - we all gotta kick our demons our own way and in our own time.....
Keep it up sista!!!!

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ONly you could make me spit out my tea...I was sipping on some sugar free tea when I read this and it spewed. Only you can find away to make me laugh. I hear you about them demons cause this is my biggest one. (i think) right behind my thigh I have this skin and when I am well rested and no soda it is flat, when I am not is swollen and I call them mud flaps. i am looking into having a lymphatic drain massage to see if this will help me with the fluid but getting off the sodas and looking for an alternative solution to stress is my only solution. Thanks for the support.